What Are Cannabis Extracts?

The term “extracts” refers to several different types of concentrated cannabis products that can be either ingested or inhaled. The specific extraction process varies depending on the type of product being made, but generally involves starting with the actual cannabis plant and applying a combination of either mechanical forces (high pressure plus very hot or cold temperatures) or chemical solvents
(typically butane, propane, ethanol, or carbon dioxide) to extract the desirable parts of the cannabis plant that give it its characteristic smell, taste, and effects. The final product is a highly concentrated cannabis product which can be ingested, smoked, or vaporized.

What is the Difference Between Extracts and Dried Plant/Flower?

The main difference between these two types of cannabis products is their potency. The THC content ofdried cannabis flower typically ranges from 0-30%, while cannabis extracts can contain up to 90% THC.

This makes extracts significantly stronger than dried cannabis, which means you will need to smoke or eat a smaller amount in order to achieve the same effect. A higher concentration also means that there is more potential for having a bad experience if you consume too much cannabis, so it is especially important when using extracts to “start low and go slow” – start at a low dose and slowly work your way up until you find the right dose that works for you.

Another difference between certain extracts and dried cannabis plant is that whole cannabis plant contains over 100 different cannabinoids (for example, THC, CBD, CBG, etc.) and numerous terpenes, whereas some extracts have these compounds removed to create a product that’s highly concentrated in THC only, which is the main active compound in cannabis. Extracts that contain most or all of the original cannabinoids and terpenes found in the raw plant material are sometimes referred to as “full spectrum extracts”.

What Are the Different Kinds of Extracts?

The most common questions about cannabis extracts are “How Are They Made?” and  “How Can I Consume Them?”

There are numerous types of extracts which can be either ingested or inhaled. To understand these extracts better, it is helpful to learn a little bit about the anatomy of the cannabis plant. The surface of the plant contains tiny little structures called trichomes that resemble a mushroom on a stalk. The mushroom-like tip of the trichome makes up the sticky crystals that tend to stick to your fingers or collect in a grinder when handling dried cannabis. These trichomes are glands that produce and contain a high amount of terpenes and cannabinoids (such as THC & CBD), and it is these tiny little trichomes that are collected when processing the cannabis plant to make extracts. Below is a list of the most common forms of cannabis extracts along with a brief description including how they are made and how
they can be consumed.




  • What is it?

    • Kief is a concentrated form of cannabis that can be smoked as is or further processed to make other extracts such as hash. It comes in powder form which is actually made up of the little crystals that fall off the cannabis plant during processing. Kief is considered a “full-spectrum extract” meaning it contains most or all of the cannabinoids and terpenes found in the original cannabis plant used to make the kief.


  • How is it made?

    • Kief is made using an entirely mechanical process, meaning no solvents or chemicals are used to make it. It involves sifting dried cannabis to separate the plant from the trichomes. You can actually make your own kief at home with a grinder and a little bit of patience. To do this you simply need a four-piece grinder with a collecting chamber at the bottom. The screen that separates the chambers of the grinder will sift the plant material, and over time little crystals will collect in your grinder’s collecting chamber. Allow these crystals, or trichomes, to collect for some time and voila! You have yourself some homemade kief.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Kief is primarily consumed by smoking or vaporizing. It can be sprinkled into a joint containing dried cannabis. When using a pipe or bong, it’s best to set a base layer of dried flower in your bowl first to prevent the powdered kief from falling through the hole. Kief can also be vaporized using a vaporizer specifically designed for extracts. We suggest adding a layer of dried cannabis to the bottom of the vaporizer chamber to prevent the kief from melting and leaving a layer of residue behind. You can also use kief to make edibles, but like other forms of dried cannabis, it needs to be heated/cooked first in order to activate the cannabinoids.




  • What is it?

    • Hash is a concentrated form of cannabis that comes in two forms – a soft, sticky ball or brick form and a powdered form. The colour can range from light yellow to dark brown depending on how the hash is made. THC content can reach up to 60%.


  • How is it made?

    • Hash is made using only mechanical processes, which means no solvents or chemicals are used in the extraction process. One way of making hash is by dry sifting, which involves freezing the plant material followed by sifting it over a mesh screen. Freezing the plant makes it easier to break apart the plant and isolate the parts that contain THC. Another type of hash, referred to as bubble hash, involves a more complex extraction process of straining the plant material through silk screens and ice water to create a fine powdered hash. When heated, bubble hash actually melts (or “bubbles”) instead of burning.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Hash can be used to make edibles similar to the way dried plant is used, but it needs to be heated/cooked first in order to activate it. Hash can be smoked by adding it to a joint, pipe, or bong, or it can be vaporized with a vaporizer specifically made
      for extracts.




  • What is it?

    • Live resin is another form of concentrated cannabis. Its form is somewhat similar to the consistency of a thick sap or syrup. Live resin can contain up to approximately 90% THC and is considered to be a “full-spectrum” extract.


  • How is it made?

    • Live resin is made using a chemical process involving the use of solvents (typically either butane, propane, ethanol, or carbon dioxide) and fresh (never dried) cannabis. The cannabis plant is harvested and immediately flash frozen while it is fresh. The
      freezing process preserves many of the cannabinoids and terpenes found in the fresh cannabis plant, which makes it more flavourful and aromatic. Next, the frozen cannabis is bathed in a solvent which extracts the key ingredients of the plant into liquid form. This solution is then heated at a low temperature to burn off the solvent, leaving behind a highly potent cannabis concentrate that retains the flavour profile of the plant it came from.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Live resin is most commonly consumed by “dabbing”. This requires specific equipment known as a dab rig, or simply a “rig”, and a gas-powered torch lighter. Consuming live resin by using a dab rig is considered a smokeless method of consuming
      cannabis because the resin turns into a vapor when heated. In other words, it melts instead of burns. Live resin can also be smoked by sprinkling a small amount in a pipe or bong bowl or by wrapping it around a joint.


what does live resin look like



  • What is it?

    • Rosin is a form of cannabis extract that is produced with the use of mechanical forces alone (heat and pressure, no solvents). Rosin is a translucent, thick, sap or syrup-like substance that looks similar to shatter, however rosin is made exclusively with the use of heat and pressure whereas shatter production involves the use of solvents. Rosin can contain up to 60% THC.


  • How is it made?

    • Rosin is made using a mechanical process that involves placing the cannabis plant between two heated plates and then pressing it. By using heat and pressure only, an oil is produced which contains a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Rosin is primarily consumed by inhalation. Rosin can be smoked in a pipe, bong, or mixed into a joint. It can also be vaporized using a dab rig or a vaporizer designed specifically for extracts.


what does rosin look like


  • What is it?

    • Shatter is a form of cannabis extract that is golden-yellow, hard, translucent, and resembles “shattered” glass. Shatter typically contains up to 90% THC.


  • How is it made?

    • Similar to live resin, shatter is made using a chemical process involving the use of a solvent (such as butane) to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant. This creates a solution which is then gently heated in order to evaporate the solvent. What remains is a translucent, golden-yellow cannabis concentrate that is then cooled down to form shatter.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Shatter is usually inhaled, either by smoking or vaporizing. It can be smoked by adding it to dried cannabis in a joint, pipe, or bong. It can be vaporized by using a dab rig or a vaporizer specifically designed for extracts.




  • What is it?

    • This is a form of cannabis extract that comes in a gooey, sticky consistency that is similar to shatter but can be easier for the user to handle because of its softer consistency. It can contain up to 90% THC.


  • How is it made?

    • Similar to shatter, wax is made by bathing the cannabis plant in a solvent(such as butane or CO2) in order to extract the desirable compounds in the plant. The main difference in its production when compared to shatter is that wax is heated and agitated to give it a lighter consistency that is easier to handle.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Wax can be inhaled by smoking or vaporizing. It can be smoked by adding it to dried cannabis in a joint, pipe, or bong. It can be vaporized by using a dab rig or a vaporizer specifically designed for extracts.




  • What is it?

    • Distillates are a versatile form of cannabis oil that can be used in vaping cartridges, tinctures/oils, capsules or sprays.


  • How is it made?

    • Distillate is made by using a solvent to extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant, the desirable compounds that give cannabis its unique effects and tastes. The cannabis is bathed in the solvent to extract these compounds. This creates a solution which is then gently heated in order to evaporate the solvent. The remaining product is a liquid cannabis concentrate. Some products have their terpenes removed and this results in a more neutral taste. The distillate can be used to make vape cartridges, or it can be mixed with an edible oil (commonly MCT oil, sunflower oil, peppermint oil, or olive oil) to make tinctures, capsules, and sprays.


  • How is it consumed?

    • Distillates are most often ingested, but can also be vaporized with a dab rig. Tinctures and sprays are typically administered sublingually, which means placing the oil under the tongue for up to a minute before swallowing it. This allows some of the cannabinoids to be absorbed by the rich network of blood vessels underneath your tongue, while the rest gets slowly absorbed by your body after it is swallowed.

